We're pleased to announce that we now offer our complete report package in both English and French.

Why FITLabs?

Why FITLabs?

While other Food Sensitivity tests simply list the foods that may be causing inflammation and expect you to eliminate them from your diet permanently, only the ImuPro Food Sensitivity test guides you through a 3-stage process to reintroduce those foods back into your diet, so you can enjoy them again.

The ImuPro Concept is composed of 3 stages:

  • Imupro Stage 1@3X

    Elimination Phase

    During the elimination phase, it is recommended that you restrict your diet to the foods that did not show elevated levels of specific-IgG antibodies in a 4-day rotation cycle. This not only helps to prevent the development of new food sensitivities, but also eliminates the possibility of malnutrition – which is key. All foods that showed elevated levels of specific-IgG antibodies are avoided during this phase, which results in the reduction of the inflammatory processes.

  • Imupro Stage 2@3X

    Provocation Phase

    After the elimination phase, you begin a provocation diet by gradually including the avoided foods one by one. The provocation phase helps to find your personal “trigger foods”. Reintroducing possible trigger foods one at a time, allows you to better determine which exact foods may be responsible for your inflammation.

  • Imupro Stage 3@3X

    Stabilisation Phase

    During the stabilisation phase, the trigger foods identified in the provocation phase are avoided for at least one year to allow the specific-IgG antibodies to diminish over time and allow your body to recover. After that period, you may reintroduce those foods one at a time (much like the provocation phase) to determine if the original inflammation returns. At that point, you may discover that there are only one or two specific foods that you may need to eliminate from your diet permanently.

  • The entire ImuPro Concept is described in detail in the Personal Nutritional Guide, which you will receive with your comprehensive report, as a part of your total report package

FITLabs & ImuPro

Your Food Sensitivity Experts

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FITLabs is proudly Canadian-owned and operated and the exclusive provider of the ImuPro Food Sensitivity test in Canada. This partnership combines FITLabs’ broad expertise in functional medicine with the most trusted name in Food Sensitivity testing – ImuPro – and allows us to continue to provide Canadian healthcare professionals and their clients with the highest quality testing solutions, client support and step-by-step guidance, as we have for over 15 years.

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ImuPro is a well-known, trusted German-made product and one of the market leaders worldwide. ImuPro Food Sensitivity testing has been available in Germany since 2000 and is now available in over 40 countries worldwide. Approximately 80,000 tests/year are performed for healthcare providers and their clients who are committed to better health through proper nutrition.

ImuPro is part of the R-Biopharm Group – a leading developer of testing solutions for clinical diagnostics. R-Biopharm testing products offer high precision and accuracy – key requirements where consumer health is at stake. Since 1996, R-Biopharm’s quality management systems have been certified according to the International Standard ISO 9001. In 2003, the company gained ISO 13485 quality management certification.

The ImuPro Food Sensitivity testing products currently carry a valid Health Canada Medical Device License (Licence No.: 68008). For more information visit: https://health-products.canada.ca/mdall-limh/

  • State of the Art Technology

    ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) technology uses components of the immune system and chemical reagents to detect specific-IgG reactions in your blood sample against specific food proteins. Patented food protein extraction and preparation ensures the highest-grade food proteins used for testing. This results in higher sensitivity and specificity when compared to other known food sensitivity tests on the market.

  • Worldwide Partner Proficiency Testing

    ImuPro monitors the quality and performance of their partners on an annual basis with blind proficiency samples sent to each partner for testing. This enhanced quality management procedure monitors accuracy and precision throughout the entire ImuPro network and ensures the highest level of quality standards are maintained worldwide.

  • Comprehensive and Customized Report Package

    Easy-to-read ImuPro Report and customized Personal Nutritional Guide walks you through the entire ImuPro Concept, step-by-step, and guides you on your path to better health.

  • Fast Turnaround Time

    Through our streamlined process, FITLabs is able to provide you with fast and reliable turnaround times on test requests. From receipt of the sample, report packages are sent out via email in only 7-10 business days.